Friday, 30 September 2011

Revelations: Vinay Gupta

It has long been an ambition of mine to create a series of audio podcasts, in which I interview the various intriguing characters I happen to come across. The name of this series is to be called Revelations with Marmaduke Dando. After a few false starts, I finally have a Revelation in a format I am happy with.

Below you will be able to stream or download the first podcast, fresh off the Revelation press. Listen to me interrogate my first guest, Vinay Gupta, and hear my brain slowly ticking over as it tries to grasp the difference between what is being said and what is being implied...

I do hope you enjoyed that. The trader interview that was referred to in the interview can be found here. If you'd like to find out more about Vinay, you should visit him here,
and follow him on Twitter: leashless.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The Sediment of Society

We made a short video to accompany the woozy piano lead, Bukowski inspired, drinking song, "The Last Drink", the other day, all stitched up and directed by Andrew Clarke. Many thanks to him for his patience. It was shot on good ship Minnow, where I reside, and features the rather brilliant Sonia Gurdjieff on the ivories. Take a look below.