Sunday 7 September 2008

Thrashing a stone to no avail

Conversation in London always seems to be about communicating essential information, or joking around whilst drinking copious amounts of beer. Nothing wrong in any of that of course, but it's so rare to have a prolonged discussion about anything not so immediate. Something you feel that has worth, and that you're further along in your thoughts because of that conversation.

Everyone lives in their separate apartments, and meet for a chosen period of time. The individual decides what his time ought to be spent on, and that couldn't possibly be 10 hours spent in the company of a close friend. For reasons of politeness, discomfort, lack of imagination. Forced and prolonged periods of time with company can lead to many insights.

As a young London bachelor, I find myself worshipping along with the rest without even noticing, the spirit of individuality. It's held up in reverence, comparable to nothing else, not even god, as we believe in nothing. We criticise every type of conformity, and yet fail to see how individuality is just as much a cult. We follow it's doctrine just as the "ignorant" we criticise follow theirs, without question, blind faith. And does it lead to happiness and purpose? At times perhaps, but more importantly, it leads to rot like this being written.

1 comment:

mijori23 said...

MD (oh doctor of emotional honesty), that spirit of individuality you speak of can also be seen as materialistic self-absorption. Working to stay afloat in a high-rent place like London takes all your energy and what little wit one has left.
You have the right idea though. One has to nurture the creative side - the wellspring of our souls. Otherwise, people just anaesthetise themselves with drugs or booze to cope with the mind-numbing mundanity of day-to-day in London.
The other way to experience the higher realms of the spirit is with love - go forth young man and emote : )
Good topic.
